Thursday, October 8, 2009

This week's Epic show

This week there will be some new things on MSNG

The Aggie Bull Horn will take over the second hour of the show. We will still play music, but by far, most of the second hour will be various topics from the USU sporting world.

Also, I will no longer be doing the Aggie Bull Horn alone. This week we are going to have Chunky Charles of the DJ show on with us, and a good friend of mine, Jared, is looking to join the show on a more permanent basis. This will be good because not only will it give me the opportunity to debate with someone and discuss stories from many different viewpoints, but it will also make the show more conversational.

As for the first hour of the show, it will remain a music show primarily, but will serve to transition those who were listening to Fusion 1010, the show directly preceding mine, from more of a music show to a talk show. I think this is good because it will allow me to retain listeners better, and it will allow me to continue to spin the tracks I love and highlight students. Stupid news stories and national sports stories will be the main focus of our short, short segments. We will continue to highlight USU's wonderful co-eds every week as well. I really enjoy that part. ;-)

keep it tuned. I apologize for not getting last week's Bull Horn up on podcast, but I had to leave to go to the BYU-USU football game and had no time to edit. We will get our stuff on the web for sure this week though.

Thanks for listening!


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